The first GRIPP residential brings discussion, deliberation and dancing and some pretty impressive outputs
Through the co-design of the GRIPP project communities shared their undestanding Poverty and Human Rights to mean to them.
Meeting between group with lived experience of rights violations and members of the UN CESCR.
Explainer and commentary about the UK Government’s recent report to the UN CESCR.
Study exploring the human rights tools behind ATD Fourth World and HRC University of Essex’s Human Rights Local research.
How to we sustain a social movement through generating a new language from below?
Updates on the Human Rights Local project of the HRC University of Essex in 2020 & 2021, as well as what is planned for 2022.
The fourth event in the #RightsBridge series, focusing on what meaningful participation of people with lived experience should look like.
Conversation between Janet Nelson and ATD activists about engaging with the UN and impact of lived experience on policy makers.
GRIPP RightsBridge Project Group meeting to discuss why the ICESCR matters and present talks from partners.
Nikki Hewson discussing how she defended human rights through parent-to-parent advocacy for Lewisham Council from 2012 to 2018.
Summary of RightsBridge’s “The Story So Far” report, with information on each separate chapter.
Webinar with experts in human rights, some of whom draw their expertise from their lived experience and were engaging for the first time with academics.
Capturing discussions of Building a Human Rights Bridge Out Of Poverty as cartoons by Graham Ogilvie.
The 2nd event for Building A Human Rights Bridge out of Poverty series, bringing activists & communities together.
50+ participants join ATD Fourth World UK, Essex University Human Rights Centre, AIUK to host the 1st RightsBridge event.
The first event of an 8-month seriesas the beginning of a shared journey that will bring together people with lived and learnt experiences of poverty.
Finalising the details of the first two events in the 8-month RightsBridge series.
Webinar launching the “Building a human rights bridge out of poverty” series, with statements from partners.
On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, we renew our commitment to put human rights at the forefront of the anti-poverty movement in the four nations of the UK.