“We Can Speak for Ourselves” Amnesty UK platforms GRIPP’s voice
“The deepening conditions of poverty in the UK are a human rights violation.” Amnesty UK championing GRIPP’s message in their Summer members magazine.
GRIPP takes the cover story of the Amnesty UK member’s magazine, to share our work and experiences as activists from across the UK demanding change. Through interviews with Rahwa, Patricia and Tracey, the article focuses on our work of researching, writing and presenting evidence to the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) in March 2023. GRIPP’s report revealed “how the UK government has created a system that keeps communities poor, ill, divided and isolated – and then blames them for the conditions they are living in.”
As one of the partners of GRIPP, Amnesty UK wanted to champion our work to its audience – challenging members to consider Human Rights violations at home and how Povertyism is systemic issue within the UK.
You can read the PDF of the full article from the Amnesty Magazine here.
If you are interested in our submission to CESCR, you can read about the process of writing our submission here, the actual submission report here, and what we presented to the UN committee here.